Ross's Bio
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Ross Lake, L.Ac.
As a young child, I always enjoyed nature and the great outdoors. In college at UC Santa Cruz, I worked at an organic farm, where we tended to crops and animals. There I met a renowned herbalist who introduced me to Chinese Medicine. I was so impressed and inspired that I decided to enroll in Five Branches University, where I received a Diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1986.
In 1987 I received my California State license and certification from NCCAOM (National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine).
I’ve traveled to China twice for research and study: once in 1988 to Xiamen, where I interned in acupuncture at the TCM Hospital; and in 1997, I interned at the Zhejiang Hospital in Hangzhou, focusing on herbal treatment in gynecology and pediatrics.
I attend educational seminars and workshops in Chinese Medicine to maintain my license. Currently, my study is with Kiiko Matsumoto.
I maintain practices in Ukiah, Willits and San Francisco, and have been practicing for over 30 years. I live in Redwood Valley with my daughters, Martina and Fabiana.
Personal interests and hobbies:
Ever since I worked at the UCSC Farm and Garden, I’ve had the “gardening bug”. We have a large vegetable garden, where each year I grow more of my own Chinese herbs for my pharmacy. I enjoy playing violin/fiddle and mandolin. I like to cook, and an occasional meal at a fine restaurant is always a treat. And, I spend time with my family at home and traveling. I play basketball several times weekly.
Philosophy of healing arts and science:
I believe that we have a tremendous potential for healing. Our body has an inherent capacity to heal any pain or trauma we have been through. Acupuncture and herbal medicine are the best and most effective tools that I know for enhancing your innate healing capacity.
From personal experience, I know the power of these modalities. Several years ago, I was stricken with extreme and severely debilitating back pain. Because of an extruded disc fragment compressing the nerve in my lower back, I was in constant, vice-like pain, and I was unable to rise up on tiptoe on my left foot. This was frightening. By using acupuncture and other conservative modalities for several months, I was able to avoid surgery and heal thoroughly. Because of this personal experience, and the success with my patients with all types of conditions, I am confident that you can have the same satisfaction and happiness from this treatment.